Picks of the Week № 6 📍

Hello, week № 6!

This is kind of a test to see if I can still write and index high quality Picks of the Week when I don’t have dedicated writing time. (Consensus is “eh, not easily”)

Picks of the Week, №6! This week's MVPs include bubbles for no reason, my tiny diary and casual to-do list, plus a favorite podcast and a shout out to home grocery deliveries. #picksoftheweek #ladyjupiter

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links; I may earn a tiny commission from purchases.

Here are my five favorites this week:

  • Sparkling Wine
  • Tiny Diary Pages
  • Casual To-Do List
  • This Week in Tech Podcast
  • Whole Foods Market Home Deliveries

— Sparkling Wine
Or Champagne of course!

Picks of the Week, №6! This week's MVPs include bubbles for no reason, my tiny diary and casual to-do list, plus a favorite podcast and a shout out to home grocery deliveries. #picksoftheweek #ladyjupiter #MummNapa #sparklingwine

I’m a big fan of random weekend mimosas, and I’m an even bigger fan of keeping a bottle chilled at all times because you never know when you need to celebrate something special…even if the special occasion is simply brushing your hair before putting it in a ponytail.

Which exact bottle to keep handy is up to you, and luckily California produces a ton of great options under $30 a bottle. Mumm Napa (pictured above) is a solid choice that I’m definitely going to make again. And the next time that I see the Veuve Clicqot four-pack – I’m going to grab that too for an easy-to-share treat (but without specific occasion). Cheers!

— Tiny Diary Pages
This is something that I started doing lately, it’s the opposite of Morning Pages.

Morning Pages is a journaling technique where you sit down each morning and brain dump for three pages. Many people report increased creativity and decreased anxiety, but I haven’t tried it yet because I am the absolute opposite of a morning person. When I wake up I have to immediately get myself ready because my toddler is already awake and I have zero quiet time until he goes down to nap (and sometimes not even then). So starting the day with quiet writing isn’t in the cards for me right now (because I refuse to get up earlier than absolutely necessary).

So instead I write a tiny daily diary page before bed. I’ll write later about my RocketBooks, so I won’t get too detailed about the paper and uploads right now. My “Tiny Daily” pages are on a small spiral, with a line in the middle to divide top and bottom. The topside is my timeline – I loosely track meals, and I track my time in deep sleep (as per my Oura) because I am interested at glancing at those things. The bottom half is for whatever I want. Feelings? Sure. Tomorrow’s plans? Sure. That day’s weather? Sure. Anything goes.

But why do this at all?! Because I want to. I like seeing where I have been because it shapes how I am today. Plus I like tracking little things. Right now I am tracking my deep sleep, and my fasting hours – so each page specifies time in deep sleep, and when I break my fast. In the summer I like to track sunset (then celebrate with a cup of tea because I love warm nights). I could track daily expenses, the temperature, how many days I don’t leave the house, etc.

Regardless I like looking over my saved jpgs each week or so and seeing obvious trends, like short fasts on the weekends, and more deep sleep when I get to bed at the target time. Digitized miniature diaries aren’t for everybody, but it’s great for me right now and it could be good for you too!

— Casual To-Do List
The operative word here is “casual.”

I love and hate lists. I love writing them and getting them out of my brain, but then I hate the low-level anxiety that they produce because I have now named many things that I don’t have a lot of time to do (because I want to do them all right now, but I can’t because my family and I all require regular meals, soap bubbles, and sleep).

Picks of the Week, №6! This week's MVPs include bubbles for no reason, my tiny diary and casual to-do list, plus a favorite podcast and a shout out to home grocery deliveries. #picksoftheweek #ladyjupiter #reusablepaper #21in2021

So this year (2021 for you time travelers) I made a list of 21 things to do. As usual I am blogging about updates and details – link below. This list is casual because nothing is particularly pressing – which is an important feature when it’s freezing outside and also there is a worldwide pandemic to worry about. Many of the things can be done indoors, and other things require a little planning but nothing too involved.

I struggle to tick one box a week, and that’s okay. I CAN complete more if I force it…but I don’t want to. So why have a list that isn’t motivating me to do things? Easy! This list exists for those times that I *do* have time, and am motivated to be productive – hence the “casual” declaration. It’s there for me to pick up, it has no power over me.

— This Week in Tech Podcast
This one has always been a favorite, I just wanted to bring it forward today.

I’m probably in their most-slim listener demographic; I am a female who does NOT work in tech. However I love news and I have a lot in common with the panel (usually, but not always). I love listening while I cook dinner, and I always feel like I have just had a fun evening with friends. If something interesting has happened in the technology world – the TWiT panel will have inside information, or at least educated opinions. And if it’s been a slow news week, they are still entertaining and worth listening to. They adapted seamlessly to all-virtual and I wouldn’t expect anything less! If you’re into technology, or just tech-curious – give them a listen. Each show is about an hour long, so it’s normal for me to break it into 20 minute segments and listen when it’s convenient for me.

I listen with Stitcher, because that’s been my number one podcatcher before iPhones existed and I am simply a loyal user. Plus, Stitcher has a great search feature that helps me discover new podcasts or episodes via topic – I love it! You can also watch This Week in Tech live on YouTube if you have time (or just want to hear intelligent conversation in the background).

— Whole Foods Market Home Deliveries
I’m not sure how many times I can talk about how much I love this before I start to alienate some readers…so I’ll be brief.

Picks of the Week, №6! This week's MVPs include bubbles for no reason, my tiny diary and casual to-do list, plus a favorite podcast and a shout out to home grocery deliveries. #picksoftheweek #ladyjupiter #groceries #WholeFoodsMarket

I live about 18 miles away from my local Whole Foods Market – a place that I love, but the high prices and 20-40 minute drive (with a toddler) are huge deterrents. But then I found out that I was within their delivery range – BEST DAY EVER.

Low on milk? Not anymore! When we’re low on milk and I don’t feel like leaving the house I make an order for a front porch delivery. The cart starts with staples (milk, cheese), then pantry goods (beans, spices), then I always end on a treat. Since it’s Carnival I’m adding King Cake and Community coffee. Other times of the year I add croissants, ice cream, or donuts.

For the safety of their drivers I NEVER order on bad weather days, and I plan ahead instead. I’m not a weather weenie, but I know unsafe conditions when I see them. So if I don’t want to drive, I don’t force anybody else to drive for me…especially the drivers that I rely on.

Picks of the Week, №6! This week's MVPs include bubbles for no reason, my tiny diary and casual to-do list, plus a favorite podcast and a shout out to home grocery deliveries. #picksoftheweek #ladyjupiter #RocketBook #reusablepaper  Picks of the Week, №6! This week's MVPs include bubbles for no reason, my tiny diary and casual to-do list, plus a favorite podcast and a shout out to home grocery deliveries. #picksoftheweek #ladyjupiter #podcast #regularlistening

Looking for something specific? Scan the Picks of the Week, Index.
Otherwise, here are more picks if you’re feeling clicky:

Picks of the Week, № 7. Toddler picks! These are my son's favorites. #LENTILS #books #plushmat  Picks of the Week, № 3. #FiveFaves #PicksoftheWeek #Audible #bedding  Picks №40 are a fresh batch of travel picks that will be well used on a nice long solo drive. #weekdayvacay #roadtrip #Octobertravel #LadyJupiter #PicksOfTheWeek

Author: Tracey

Tracey has a bachelor’s degree in Technical Writing from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. She loves editing, riding bikes, and cooking for her family.

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